6th Grade AC Entrance Exam Palooza Workshop


Test Prep Palooza is our unique, one-day test prep "bootcamp". The program includes a full practice test, review of test questions, and instruction for key test strategies and skills. After the program, parents will receive a detailed Test Prep Chicago practice exam analysis, which will include strengths and weaknesses, areas for focus, and study suggestions.

Test Prep Palooza Workshop Tuition: $170

6th Grade AC Test Prep Palooza

Prepares students for the Academic Center Entrance Exam.

When signing up for a workshop, you will be prompted to create a profile. When doing so, please enter your STUDENT’S NAME in the BASIC INFO section. See below.


For more information about our palooza workshops and sign-ups, please email info@testprepchicago.com or call (312) 848-1266.